‘Tis the season(al weather)

Despite the fact that most foreigners assume that Israel is a sweltering desert all year round.  There are many weather considerations before you book your venue.

Tel Aviv/Central Israel


Tel Aviv is definitely hot, and it is a great city for a wedding because your guests can relax and vacation the days before and after your event.  There is tons to do and see and enjoy, plus plenty of venues up and down the coast.

From May until September you can assume that your guests will not need an umbrella.  While the nights in May and September might cool down and a scarf might be necessary, no one is going to freeze and it is unlikely you will need a hall to keep out the cold.

From June until August, you might want to remind the male guests to bring a change of clothes – Israeli weddings are known to be a sweaty event.  Many people choose to use a hall in the peak summer months, in order to provide guests with an ample amount of AC.  The choice is yours.

October & April are two months that can either be wet and cold or 100 degrees and sunny.  Usually, it is on the warm side, but there can be unexpected rain that may be worth considering.

Finally November – March is central Israel’s mysterious winter.  Days can be warm and sunny, and crisp at night, or there can be monsoon sized downpours…make sure you have an indoor options.  Odds are your weather will be great, but you don’t want to get left out in the rain!

Jerusalem/Jerusalem Hills


Jerusalem is a likely wedding destination due to the holiness of the ancient city and abundance of wedding venues.  The summers can provide the perfect cool nights for an outdoor wedding, but the winters can become uncomfortably cold – so despite the view, you might want to stay indoors.

May – September is warm.  The nights are cool and the days are hot.  But it is unlikely that rain or cold will ruin an outdoor wedding.  This is by far the best time to get married in Jerusalem.

October & April can be fickle.  The end of October and Beginning of April are risky for an only outdoor option.  I would recommend having an indoor option in case you experience the first or last rain of the season or the sporadic cold nights.

November – May.  While in Tel Aviv these months can go both ways, in Jerusalem it is likely to be past the point of an outdoor affair.  Keep in mind that trying to add a tent to an outdoor venue could ruin the entire feel of the venue (ex. Har Zion Hotel).  The hotels in Jerusalem offer great service for around 300 people, and venues such as Kedma and Maale Hamisha will ensure your guests can enjoy an outdoor Chuppah if the weather permits, but with an indoor option in case it’s your lucky rainy day.

Checking the weather

While weather.com might provide you with weather information for the major cities.  Check out Weather it Is for temperatures in all Israeli cities leading up to the wedding

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